The teeth are such important oral organs that help to get us through our daily activities. The teeth aid mastication of food for easy digestion, that is, they are used to bite, tear, chew, and grind food. In addition, the teeth help us to form our words and aid speech production. Finally, the teeth act as a support for the face as it gives the face its shape. To perform these functions, the teeth grow as early as six to twelve months after the birth of a child. The teeth at this stage are called the milk teeth and they help to chew, aid word pronunciation, and keep space for the permanent teeth.
At about age three, the full set of baby teeth numbering twenty are fully grown. These twenty teeth are divided into four first molars, four second molars, four lateral incisors, four central incisors, and four canines (also known as cuspids or eyeteeth). When a child is about six to seven years of age, the milk teeth fall out and are replaced by permanent teeth. By age thirteen, the permanent teeth number up to thirteen. However, this is not the complete set of permanent teeth.
The last set of teeth to grow are molars called the wisdom teeth and they erupt around age seventeen to twenty-five years. These molars bring the total of the permanent teeth to thirty-two. However, most people need a wisdom teeth removal procedure because of the pain and discomfort these molars cause.
Wisdom teeth extraction is a procedure of teeth removal in which the wisdom teeth (four molars) are extracted with the use of anesthesia by a dentist or oral surgeon to prevent dental complications. The wisdom teeth are the last teeth that grow to make thirty-two teeth found in an adult’s mouth. There are four types of teeth in humans. They are the incisors, canines, molars, and premolars. These teeth have different shapes and perform different functions.
Wisdom teeth sometimes do not have space to erupt properly thereby making them grow abnormally.
While some people do not grow wisdom teeth at all, some people grow their wisdom teeth as they grew the rest of their teeth, and others grow impacted wisdom teeth. Tooth impaction occurs when the teeth refuse to grow above the gumline for any reason. Sometimes, wisdom teeth are impacted and this makes them very difficult and unable to be cleaned, thereby making wisdom teeth very vulnerable to cavities and all kinds of dental diseases.
Therefore, wisdom teeth are extracted to prevent:
Extracting impacted wisdom teeth is a surgical procedure that involved administering anesthesia, making incisions in the gum, and bringing out the underlying teeth.
No! Wisdom teeth that are not impacted and do not cause any threat to your dental or medical health do not need to be extracted.
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